Thursday, January 18, 2007

About Me.

I know that there is an "About Me" section on my profile, but I thought for my first blog entry, I would go a little bit more in depth about myself, so that whomever decides to read my blogs can know a little bit more myself.

I would consider myself as a person to be pretty average. I believe that I'm of average size, smarts, looks, talents, etc. But I do believe that God blessed me with a very generous and kind heart. It thrills me to be able to help someone who is really in need of it. I love doing favors for my friends and helping out and normally I do it happily and with my whole heart. Unfortunately, I have found that sometimes I can get taken advantage of, or feel used, or even that the person I am helping doesn't appreciate it. But in most cases, I'm sure my real friends to appreciate what I do for them. I usually give whole-heartedly as well without expecting to get anything in return, and this is fine with me because I know that this is what God wants from me, from anyone.

I can be a little moody, I think, but who isn't? But I do pray for myself and that God watches over me and helps me to be the best person I can be. My favourite prayer at the moment is the "Serenity Prayer" and it basically goes like this:

'God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'

I just love it so much because I do find myself praying for guidence and help from God, I want to be a better person always and I want to grow in my relationship with Him, and I know that by praying and being generous and kind, I will be happy with myself, and love myself, and forever be in peace.

Until next time, God Bless.

1 comment:

Chad said...

hey, glad to see you blogging
keep on keeping on