Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Best Blogger Ever!

Oh my goodness, aren't I just the best blogger ever? I only blogged once in June and that was it, now its mid July. I have an excuse though! I am a super busy person lately, I never get a chance to go on the computer and I'm always so tired when I finally get a chance to be home for longer than 5 minutes. So I guess I'll blog updates on everything since I have a moment...

My dad is doing really well! His surgery went amazingly, thanks to everyone who was praying for him and us, they removed his right kidney and got everything so they aren't worried at all that he should have any problems, which is fantastic. He was out of the hospital in 4 days and is getting stronger and feeling less pain everyday. He migh even start slowly going back to work next month. Praise God for His awesome work and love!

I'm working fulltime as a cook and I find it very stressful and tiring at times because things are really disorganized and busy all the time so it's a little hectic and I find myself being very unhappy at times, so I pray for contiuned strength and patience.

I'm going to Camp Arnes to be a Cabin Leader (counselor) for all of August! I am very excited for it and I just pray that God will be with me and guide me through it, as I have never done anything like this before, but I really want to serve God by sharing my summer with these kids and showing them God's amazing love.

I don't know what else to say at the moment, but it has been really good to finally post again. Take care all!

Until next time, God Bless.