Monday, February 5, 2007

Constant Battle

In life, it's kind of ridicules how the battles between good and bad, right and wrong, etc. constantly roam through our lives. You'd think that if you are a good christian and you love God and everything, you'd think that there wouldn't be the good vs bad battles in your heart, because God would always win right? And obviously God stands for all things that are good, so you would never have to worry about your head and heart battling and the "Bad or Wrong" choice winning. But unfortunately, I think that, even for good Christians, the bad choice might win sometimes.

There will always be temptation, and things that feel good, but you know they aren't right and you might not exactly get the chance to ask for guidance on what your choice should be before you make it.

I guess I should stop talking about others being involved in these feelings, but I feel weird just pinning it on myself. But basically, I feel like I am faced with decisions and dilemmas all the time and there might even be things that I want to do or say but something inside tells me, that it isn't a good idea. Unfortunately...I haven't always listened to that voice.

So tonight, I just ask for forgiveness, and that God will help me and guide me. I want to make the right choices, the good choices, and I want to live my life doing the things that would make God happy. So please my friends, pray for me, and help me to do the right thing, and become the better person that I want to become. Thank you.

"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe." (Proverbs 18:10)"

-I want to run to you Lord, keep me safe from the wrong choices...lead me not into temptation, and give me strength. Amen.-

Until next time, God Bless.

1 comment:

Harland said...

there will always be that temptation, and there will always be those times when you fall to the temptation. no one is perfect hun, as long as you do more good then bad and ask for forgiveness im sure youll be fine.
your pretty close to perfect anyways ;)